Wednesday, 30 April 2014

How to Remove Pimples On A Night - 6 Effective Natural Remedies

How to remove the grains in one night

When pimples appear they can spoil your days and nights of tranquility, and the worst thing that can leave aesthetically unpleasant scars. However, the grains are certainly a blot on the beauty of a woman or a person in general. So it is essential to get rid of it as soon as possible. Maybe your need to know  "way to remove pimples in one night," and you have to remove them from your body quickly. Well, of course you can fulfill your want. All you can do is follow one of the methods listed in this article to get rid of acne overnight.

How to Remove Pimples On A Night - Natural Home Remedies More Effective To Remove Acne

Remedy 1

Fill a small bowl with water. Put it on the fire to boil water. Place the container under the face and let the moist steam your face for about 2-3 minutes. Wash your face with warm water. This will remove oil, dirt and grime, without aggravating the acne. Applying an oil-free moisturizer to compensate moisture loss. As a result of this treatment at home, you can get rid of pimples overnight.
Remedy 2

Cover beans with toothpaste before going to bed. It's better to try waking up several times during the night to see if the coverage of the toothpaste is still there. If not, reapply a small amount of toothpaste on pimples. The result of this method worth to apply. You will find a significant improvement in the morning.
Remedy 3

Make a mixture with 2-3 drops of lemon juice, honey 1-2 drops and 2-3 drops of rose water. Start with cleaning your face with water. Immediately apply the mixture prepared in the grains. You can use a cotton ball to rub the mixture on the affected skin area. Leave the mixture overnight, the next morning you will notice how your skin improves considerably. This remedy is considered as one of the best ways to "how to remove pimples in one night."

Remedy 4

Take a cup of water and 3-4 teaspoons of dried basil leaves on it. Pour into a container and put in the flame. Bring the mixture to a boil. Turn off the heat after the mixture boils for one minute. Allow to cool. Use this mixture to wash your face. You can also apply this mixture on the face, especially in the areas affected with pimples, and keep it overnight.'
Remedy 5

Take a piece of aloe vera and cut a slit in the middle slot and pulp, remove the gel and apply on pimples. This is very effective in the treatment of get rid of pimples fast. Aloe vera is very effective in curing acne for their anti-bacterial anti-oxidant, soothing properties, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal. So if you have an aloe-vera plant in your home, do not forget to use to get rid of pimples overnight.
Remedy 6

Take a ripe tomato and cut it into two halves. Apply tomato pulp on the acne-affected part. Leave on overnight. Wash your face with water the next morning. You will surely find a great improvement in the grains. Using tomato paste for treating grains reduces the possibility of scarring later. Therefore, it is a fantastic way to eliminate pimples overnight and fast, and more efficient compared with other home remedies.
All the above methods to remove the grains as a night are natural, that require little work and especially the materials are cheap and readily available. In addition, there are no side effects associated with them.

Interested To Know More:

How To Get Rid of Pimples Fast

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